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>>US Supreme Court Rules In Favor Of Former Pennsylvania Cheerleader

>>US Supreme Court Rules In Favor Of Former Pennsylvania Cheerleader

(Washington, DC) -- The U.S. Supreme Court is ruling in favor of a former Schuylkill County high school cheerleader in what some call a win for freedom of speech. In 2017, the then 14-year-old Brandi Levy was upset for not making her high school's varsity cheerleading team and made a post on Snapchat from home that read, "F school, F softball, F cheer, F everything." The Mahanoy Area School District then suspended her from cheer for a year over the post. However, yesterday the Supreme Court ruled in a 8-1 vote that the school violated Levy's first amendment rights. Legal experts say this sets a limit on a school's ability to step in for parents.

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