Every Saturday morning from 7-8 we are TAKING CARE OF BUSINESS. We spotlight the many fine "area" businesses and organizations. Meeting and getting to know the wonderful area businessmen and businesswomen who provide such great products and services to us here in Central Pennsylvania. And many times services and products you may not be aware of or realize are available here in our area.
It is our mission to support our local businesses, organizations and non profits. Because nowhere will you get better value and customer service than with a locally owned and operated business. And it is also important to remember that the money you spend here stays here in the place we call home.
We Are "Taking Care of Business".....Saturday mornings from 7-8 on WHP News Radio 580.
2.8.25 UPMC-Sudden Cardiac Arrest-Peyton Walker Foundation
Sudden cardiac arrest/SCA claims more than 350,000 lives each year & is the leading cause of death among young athletes in the U.S./Dr. Michael Bosak, cardiologist with UPMC Heart & Vascular Institute & Julie Walker from the Peyton Walker Foundation join me/Julie lost her daughter Peyton to SCA & teamed up with UPMC to raise awareness/learn more at www.UPMC.com/Peyton
2.01.25 Dave Brixius-Explosive Sports Performance
Tom Russell from CBS 21 takes over TCOB with guest Dave Brixius from Explosive Sports Performance/Dave talks about his unique fitness programs, being Earth Strong, and how to avoid illness/learn more at www.exsp.biz
1.25.25 Scott Dunwoody-Bethesda Mission-Retires
After 18 years, 8 years as Exec Dir at Bethesda Mision, Scott Dunwoody is retiring/we talk about his years there, why he did it, what he most remembers serving there, and the memories he cherishes helping those in need/learn how you can help Bethesda help transform lives/ visit www.BethesdaMission.org
1.18.25 Starting a Business-Erin Mrozek-Legal Zoon
The new year is the most popular time to start a new business/small business is booming/Erin Mrozek, Small Business Expert at Legal Zoom joins us with tips & advice and the steps for launching a business/learn more at www.legalzoom.com
1.11.25 UPMC Ctrl PA Weight Mgmt Cemter
If your goal is to lose weight in the new year, get expert medical advice on the programs that work/Dr. John Powell & Dr. Smuathi Suppiah discuss the surgical & non surgical options/why weight loss is important to your health & how you must make a lifestyle change/learn more at www.UPMC.com/CentralPaWeightLoss
1.4.25 2025 PA Farm Show
On location at the PA Farm Show Food Court to kick off the 109th PA Farm Show at the Farm Show Complex/talking with hosts and many food vendors at the show that promotes PA agriculture/Powering Pennsylvania/learn more at https://www.pa.gov/agencies/farmshow/pa-farm-show.html
12.21.24 Celebrating Christmas With Bishop Timothy Senior
Our annual holiday celebration where we sit & chat with the Bishop of the Roman Catholic Diocese of Harrisburg/conversation & inspiration for the holiday season with Bishop Timothy Senior/www.hbgdiocese.org
12.14.24 UPMC Ctrl PA-Transplants
Giving the gift of life/the importance of organ donation & how to register to become an organ donor/Dr. Danielle Ladie specializes in transplant surgery/learn more at www.UPMC.com/CentralPaTransplant
12.14.24 Christmas At Italian Lake
8th annual festive event/ 12-14 10-5/free event bringing Christmas cheer for area families/proceeds benefit Bethesda Mission/Kristina, Eric & Cindy have all the details/learn more at www.christmasitalianlake.com
12.7.24 Health Agency Marketplace Dot Com
Alex Zangari is back with us with tips & advice on how to get the best health insurance plan for you/Open enrollment is now underway for those under 65/Get expert advice at www.healthagencymarketplace.com