Bernice Quesenberry, Chasing the Rainbows

Bernice Quesenberry is the Founder, CEO and President of Chasing the Rainbows, Inc., a 501(c)3 National Nonprofit. She is a person who experienced her own traumatic loss in March 2021 which is how she learned first hand the absence of daily support services. Bernice is a certified trauma informed care specialist along with all the volunteers at Chasing the Rainbows. She serves as the Vice Chairperson of the York County Consumer A dvisory Board, a Board Member on the York County Parks Board, and President of Chasing the Rainbows. Prior to her current role, Bernice worked primarily in marketing and business development, during which time, she has been a frequent speaker at local, state and national conferences along with live television news interviews. Bernice holds a Bachelor of Science in Biology from York College of Pennsylvania (grad 2007) and has her Property and Casualty insurance license in the states of PA and MD.

If you or a loved one would like to learn more about Chasing the Rainbows CLICK HERE

To listen to Bernice's PODCAST CLICK HERE!

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