Today there are over 1000 job in our area....for those trained in information technology (IT). nupaths, co founded by Harrisburg University, is an exciting innovative new way to train for a career in information technology.
The course and classes are conducted at Harrisburg U. and taught by local IT experts and business owners. What makes nupaths different and innovative is that it provides students with training and certifications in just 6 months. Not 4-5 years like at a major university. And the cost! A little over 7k which is tens of thousands less than what you would pay for college. And....once you complete the course they offer placement assistance with area employers with an incredible starting salary.
Pankaj Agarwal, local businessman who started a number of area businesses in the IT field came up with this concept is my studio guest to tell us all about it and how he is teaming up with many area high schools to offer this opportunity.
Learn more at: nupaths
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