I want to let you know that over the next half hour we are going to talk about something tragic, scary, serious…..and just so sad. Suicide. What makes this even more tragic is that this is a local girl who took her life….assisted by a website and others on the internet. And even more sick….they cheered her on to die as her mother was right down the hall. I know a lot of you are thinking…..I don’t know if I can listen to something like this.but I know that you like me are a parent…..a grand parent…..and we would do anything to protect our kids……but there’s stuff out there …people ….evil people out there who can hurt your child by reaching into their minds from the internet.And it happened here in our little home town. So I hope you will stay tuned for this very powerful interview with Jackie and Chip Bieber from York Haven….with my colleague Sylvia Maus.
Here are some legitimate websites to help with anyone considering suicide or to help those depressed.
Hear Sylvia's podcast here: