As you are aware, there has been a massive effort to "save" the Chesapeake Bay. Alot of this effort centers around farms and businesses upstream here in the Susquehanna Valley to reduce runoff and cut back on nitrogen flowing into the river and into the bay.
There has been some improvement. Billions have been spent. But now we are questioning how this money is being spent and if it is actually working and what will happen as we face a deadline of 2025 which could end up being the single largest tax increase we here in this area will see in our lifetime.
Dominic Bassani from CABS, the Coalition For Affordable Bay Solutions joins me to explain the cleanup effort and what his group is proposing and working on to accelerate the cleanup at a way lower cost, and recently introduced state legislation by state Senator Rich Alloway of Adams County that will pave the way for the private sector to provide large-scale low-cost nutrient reductions using new technology that will cut costs for taxpayers.
Learn more about all this at CABS Website
Hear our interview here: