Every Saturday morning from 7-8 we are TAKING CARE OF BUSINESS. We spotlight the many fine "area" businesses and organizations. Meeting and getting to know the wonderful area businessmen and businesswomen who provide such great products and services to us here in Central Pennsylvania. And many times services and products you may not be aware of or realize are available here in our area.
It is our mission to support our local businesses, organizations and non profits. Because nowhere will you get better value and customer service than with a locally owned and operated business. And it is also important to remember that the money you spend here stays here in the place we call home.
We Are "Taking Care of Business".....Saturday mornings from 7-8 on WHP News Radio 580.
3.15.25 JS Business Solutions-Selling Your Business
Looking to sell your business or retiring/Justin Staub from JS Business Solutions in Carlisle tells us how to sell your business for maximum value, the right time to sell, common mistakes, business valuation, preparing for an exit and more/learn more at www.JSBusinessSolution.com
3.15.25 PPL Electric-Saving Money On Your Bill
Shocked by higher than normal electric bills for your home? Dana Burns from PPL Electric joins us to discuss seasonal swings in bills, how to shop for better rates, how to save energy & how they can help with those high bills/learn more at www.pplelectric.com
3.8.25 WHP Radio 100th Anniversary-Rush & Durgin
Celebrating 100 years of WHP radio/RJ Harris joins me to talk about the legendary talk radio duo of Rush Limbaugh & Bob Durgin
3.8.25 UPMC-Colon Cancer & Screening
Getting a colonoscopy can be nerve-racking but is a vital part to our health and well-being. Dr. Daniel Goldman from UPMC is here to discuss the importance of screening colonoscopies and how minimally invasive approaches may be an option for treatment.
3.1.25 WHP 580 100th Celebration & History
This year we mark the 100th anniversary of what would become WHP 580/RJ Harris, radio historian, Tim Portzline & former WHP 580 air personality Bill Kauffman talk about how it all started in 1925 and relive fond memories of local Harrisburg radio/find Tim's book HARRISBURG BROADCASTING on Amazon
2.15.25 Dauphin Cty-Recorder of Deed & New RNS
Jim Zugay, Dauphin Cty Recorder of Deeds & the new Recording Notification Service (RNS)/free to register/receive an email alert when a document is recorded against your property/to register Google search Dauphin County Recorder of Deeds or call 717-780-6560
2.8.25 UPMC-Sudden Cardiac Arrest-Peyton Walker Foundation
Sudden cardiac arrest/SCA claims more than 350,000 lives each year & is the leading cause of death among young athletes in the U.S./Dr. Michael Bosak, cardiologist with UPMC Heart & Vascular Institute & Julie Walker from the Peyton Walker Foundation join me/Julie lost her daughter Peyton to SCA & teamed up with UPMC to raise awareness/learn more at www.UPMC.com/Peyton
2.01.25 Dave Brixius-Explosive Sports Performance
Tom Russell from CBS 21 takes over TCOB with guest Dave Brixius from Explosive Sports Performance/Dave talks about his unique fitness programs, being Earth Strong, and how to avoid illness/learn more at www.exsp.biz
1.25.25 Scott Dunwoody-Bethesda Mission-Retires
After 18 years, 8 years as Exec Dir at Bethesda Mision, Scott Dunwoody is retiring/we talk about his years there, why he did it, what he most remembers serving there, and the memories he cherishes helping those in need/learn how you can help Bethesda help transform lives/ visit www.BethesdaMission.org
1.18.25 Starting a Business-Erin Mrozek-Legal Zoon
The new year is the most popular time to start a new business/small business is booming/Erin Mrozek, Small Business Expert at Legal Zoom joins us with tips & advice and the steps for launching a business/learn more at www.legalzoom.com