Yes – it’s that time of the year again!
It’s the annual AAA Vacation Show - and another huge success for AAA Central Penn and all of the award-winning travel companies coming together and giving the public the best-of-the-best in travel opportunities!
“Let’s Talk Travel with AAA” will feature a special broadcast from the Vacation Show, Saturday, February 22nd, from 11am-12pm on WHP580.
Jodie Daubert, AAA Central Penn President & CEO, will kick-off the show with me and we will go over her two 2020 AAA President trips – The Great Land of Alaska with Holland America (sold-out!) and the recently released New York Finger Lakes Tour (and so much more) - contact AAACP for all details.
In addition, on-air interviews with AMA Waterways River Cruising ; CIE Tours ; Celebrity Cruises ; Club Adventures & AAA Exclusive Vacations and ultra-luxurious Seabourn Cruises will be included.
Please remember – do not let your hard-earned vacation days go unused – extensive research proves that people who take more vacations are happier in their lives. And – travelers using experienced travel agents report higher satisfaction! Be sure to call or stop by your local AAA today for all group tours, travel sales and special promotions going on right now.
Hear our podcast here: