We’re home for the holidays and celebrating Christmas and New Years in our own backyard.
Many people living in and around our region are looking for things to do and experience with their families during the holiday season.
Saturday, November 30thfrom 11am-12pm on “Let’s Talk Travel with AAA” on WHP580, my guests – Rick Dunlap, Dir. of PR for Visit Hershey & Harrisburg ; Devon Drabik, Dir. of ExploreHBG.org and Amy Richards, Press Secretary for Dauphin County Commissioners Office – will tell us everything we need to know about eating, drinking, shopping and experiencing Christmas and New Years’ during this 4th annual Hershey & Harrisburg Holiday show.
Special features will include – Christmas at Fort Hunter ; Whitaker Wonderland ; Holidays at the State Museum of PA ; Harrisburg’s Candlelight House Tour ; Best Kept Secrets ; Festive Eating & Dining Venues - and so much more.
For all holiday updates – go to www.ExploreHBG.com.
Hear our podcast here: