He’s Back!
We ran out of time and didn’t get to answer all the listener questions during our 2018 kick-off “Healthy Travel” show with Dr. Goldman on January 6, 2018, but now we will – hopefully!
And by now you know , not much is worse than you or a family member getting sick while on vacation.
What should you do – especially in a foreign country or at an exotic destination -- when the nearest medical facility is hours away?
Can you prepare before you leave? You bet you can.
Since the beginning of “Let’s Talk Travel with AAA” (1993), the annual “How To Stay Healthy While Traveling” with Dr. John Goldman continues to be one of the most popular shows. Dr. Goldman, an internal medicine and infectious disease physician at UPMC Pinnacle, will be my “Let’s Talk Travel with AAA” guest and co-host on Saturday, January 27, from 11 a.m. to noon on WHP580.
Dr. Goldman will talk about the most up-to-date medical information available and give expert advice on how to stay healthy while traveling.
Prevention is the key to good health when traveling. Always wash your hands thoroughly and frequently with soap and water (or use hand sanitizer) to prevent the spread of illness. If your travels take you to a developing or low-income country, remember: If you can’t cook it, boil it, or peel it – then forget it.
For information on travel health and any vaccinations you may need, contact the UPMC Pinnacle Travel Clinic at 717-614-4420.