Luxury means different things to different people, just as value has a different meaning to many of us.
Is it possible to combine both luxury and value?
You bet it is – and it is very obvious when you take a Regent Seven Seas cruise.
I’ve been a huge fan of Regent since first stepping aboard the “Mariner” in 2002. Since then I have sailed on “Navigator” , “Voyager” and most recently – the spectacular “Seven Seas Explorer”, the world’s most luxurious and expensive cruise ship ever built. (She is magnificent!)
No detail is overlooked and with airfare, transfers, excursions, spirits, wine, soft drinks, wi-fi, gratuities, and so much more included in your cruise fare – you are never nickel and dimed – ever. Everything is included and that is where the true dollar value comes in. Most guests walk off the ship with a zero balance. A zero balance – do you get that? And if you take a Regent transcontinental cruise – business class air is included. (Have you actually checked the cost of business class airfare to Europe? It’s crazy-expensive – and it’s included.)
Kate Otto, Regent Sales Director and luxury cruise expert for 36-years will be my “Let’s Talk Travel with AAA” guest and will tell us all about the Regent Seven Seas difference and why it’s time to visit your AAA travel agent and compare all Regent costs with the other premium and luxury lines. In addition, Randall Soy, Regent’s Executive Vice President, will join us for a segment on why Regent is such a great value for your vacation dollar , what sets Regent apart from the other luxury lines and why now is the time to take a Regent Seven Seas cruise.
Regent Seven Seas Cruises – “The most inclusive luxury experience” – Saturday, June 17, 2017, from 11am til 12pm on “Let’s Talk Travel with AAA” on WHP580.
For more information, go to www.whp580.com and click on the link to “Let’s Talk Travel with AAA”