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Tuesday, January 11, 2022
7:00 a.m. Scholarship Foundation Breakfast - BH
8:00 a.m. Alpaca Show - EA
8:30 a.m.FFA Demonstration - Repairing the Sheet Metal on a John Deere Corn Picker - LFS
9:00 a.m. Mini-Horse and Mini-Mule Pulling Contest - NHA
Pennsylvania Farm Show Scholarship Foundation Awards - SA
4-H Potato Grading and Identification - KCC
FFA Demonstration -- Tree Stand Safely - LFS
9:30 a.m. Sale of Champions – Junior Market - SA
FFA Demonstration – If the Horse Shoe Fits - LFS
10:00 a.m. Fiber Arts & Sheep to Shawl – Addison Neff - MHS
FFA Demonstration – Duck Duck Goose - LFS
10:30 a.m. Junior Market Animal Sale (Lambs, Rabbits, Goats, Swine, Cattle) - SA
FFA Demonstration – Hydroponics - LFS
11:00 a.m. Agri-Magic Show - MHS
FFA Demonstration – We Hope This Isn't Tearable - LFS
Maple Production Demonstration by the Pennsylvania Maple Syrup Producers - CCS
11:30 a.m. Pony Pulling Contest - NHA
FFA Demonstration – Creative Centerpieces for Your Next Gathering - LFS
12:00 p.m. Make It and Take It - MHS
4-H & Youth in Agriculture --- Ryleigh Bell - MHS
FFA Demonstration – Buzzing Bees - LFS
Wesley Hellberg, Executive Chef, West Shore Country Club, Camp Hill: Potato Burgers - CCS
1:00 p.m. Agri-Magic Show - MHS
Alex Robertson, Garde Manger Chef, The Hotel Hershey, Hershey: Bow Creek Farm Red Angus Beef Tartare, Potato Pâvé, Horseradish Aioli, Parsley Infused Olive Oil - CCS
FFA Demonstration – Setting Up Your Aquarium - LFS
2022 Pennsylvania Farm Show Agricultural Law Symposium - via ZOOMOpens In A New Window
1:30 p.m. Horse Pulling Contest - NHA
FFA Demonstration - Fishing Safety - LFS
2:00 p.m. Chef Instructor Autumn Patti, Harrisburg Area Community College: Red Flannel Hash - CCS
Pennsylvania Gourds; PA Gourd Society - MHS
Barn Talk with Draft Horses and Their Owners - EB
FFA Demonstration - Care of Horse Track and Equipment
2:30 pmFFA Demonstration - Piglet Care and Management
3:00 p.m. Thomas Long, Executive Chef, HACC’s Chef’s Apprentice and Steven Gump, Assistant Dining Supervisor, Harrisburg: Caprese Potato Tarts with a Tomato Basil Relish, Country Steak and Potato Salad - CCS
Agri-Magic Show - MHS
FFA Demonstration - LFS
3:30 p.m. 4-H STEM and New Areas of Ag Presentation by Jacob and Jayden Kessler - LFS
4:00 p.m. Chef Instructor Nicholas Webb and Students from HACC, Central Pennsylvania’s Community College, Harrisburg: Pierogi Naan Pizza- CCS
Pennsylvania’s Greatest Whoopie Pie Contest, Sponsored by Good Food - MHS
PA Department of Agriculture, Bureau of Animal Health and Diagnostics, Rabies Presentation - LFS
5:00 p.m. School Cooking Challenge with Students from HACC, Central Pennsylvania’s Community College, Harrisburg - CCS
5:30 p.m. Cornhole Competition - NHA
Draft Horse Hitch and Drive Demonstration - EA
6:00 p.m. Honey Extraction Demonstration by the Pennsylvania State Beekeepers Association - CCS
Mrs. Wages Pickle Contest - MHS
Celebrity Feed Scurry, Youth Stick Horse Race and Salute to Veterans - EA
8:00 p.m. Goodnight Farm Show – Storytime - MHS