The Glenn Beck Program

The Glenn Beck Program

Known for his quick wit, candid opinions and engaging personality, Glenn Beck has attracted millions of viewers and listeners throughout the United...Full Bio


You Must Learn To MASTER AI...Before It Masters YOU

Glenn has spent DECADES warning you about the risks of artificial intelligence and how if humanity is not careful, it will become the master of humanity. So why is he telling you to learn how to use it? Because these AI systems are SHARP. It can THINK. It is the sharpest tool you can ever wield, but you must learn how to wield it ethically before it wields you, Glenn argues. We MUST put ourselves in charge. This is the seismic shift he has been warning about for years. It's time we get to work.


Below is a rush transcript that may contain errors

GLENN: I'm so excited to take this next step with you. Because I've waited 30 years. I've been trying to ring the bell on AI. And we've missed so many opportunities.

But this is kind of a last call of being ahead of things right now.

We are right at the edge of something, just absolutely game-changing.

And I've been trying to prepare you for this moment. And if you're not prepared, you don't really understand.

That's okay. That's okay.

I'm going to show you this hour, how you, in your life, should be viewing this.

And should be using it. Okay? Artificial intelligence, AI, it is not Siri.

That's not it.

We are on the verge of AGI. Artificial General Intelligence.

And beyond that is artificial super intelligence.

That's -- that's, you know -- that's the big ball of wax.

And you've heard me talk for 30 years now, about how AI is the tool that will think faster than you. Process more data than you could in a lifetime. And soon, with ASI, it will outsmart every human bot in mind, that has ever lived combined.

It will be the processing power of a -- of a supercomputer, that would literally be the size of Planet Earth. Okay?

A lot of deep think there. And we've talked about the dangers of it. Of a machine so powerful. It could become a god of our own making. And people will look at it as god very soon.

It's a force that might strip away what it means to be human, if we haven't thought about those things.

I've also told you about the miracles, that it could bring. In ways that we've never even thought. Can you cure cancer? Sure, but why would I?

Are you ready for this one? Why not just change the DNA of humans, so it doesn't -- cancer doesn't hurt the human body. Okay. I don't even know what the ethics or ramifications of that are. But that's coming.

Solutions that man has wrestled with for centuries. A world where scarcity could just be gone. Hunger could be gone.

You've -- you've learned this from me, hopefully. Or heard me yapping about it. And didn't think it really applied to you.

But this, the moment I've been pointing to you, at. And saying, look, it's coming. It's coming.

It's no longer on the horizon.

We're here.

March 7th, 2025, not just a date.

Hopefully, it's the day that you realize, we've been pulled into what's called the event horizon of a technological singularity.

What the hell is that?

Let me -- let me explain. Try to do it. And so you can really follow this. Because you'll really hear terms over the next couple of years.

Kind of like when they started defining new pronounces. What the hell is that?

And a new one came out. We will go through that. But this time, it's really important that you understand these things. So terms that most people don't know. AGI, artificial general intelligence. ASI, super intelligence. The event horizon is a term that usually is used to describe the edge of a black hole. Okay? And a black hole has so much gravity, it bends. Nothing can escape the black hole. Think of yourself in a boat. You're just on this river.

And all of a sudden, you start to hear a roar of something. And you're like, oh, gee. That sounds like the falls.

And you start to try to row the other direction, but the current is so strong now, it just pulls you over. And there's no way to escape it, because it's just too late. That's what this is.

Okay? In this particular usage for AI. What it means is that you're at the point, where we can't escape the grip of super intelligence, because it is coming! Like the black hole, you're in its grip now.

And it is eventually going to pull you into the singularity. The black hole. Once you cross the threshold, you can't escape it. And the black hole will crush everything you knew about life, physics, everything.

Life as you know it, once you cross the event horizon, and you're in the singularity, it's called spaghettification.

Everything is just pulled and stretched, and everything breaks down. That is the way they're describing now, this new technology. And we're on the edge of it. And we can't turn the boat around.

So we have -- we as humans have never, ever been here. Never, ever.

I mean, maybe. I mean, there are some people out there now saying, maybe 10,000 years ago. Because we can't find out how the pyramids were built. Maybe 10,000 years ago, humans had this technology.

And they were completely unknown. Because this technology just completely destroyed them and wiped them all out.

And they left behind the pyramids.

And the Egyptians were like, yeah. That's a tomb we built overnight. You know, we don't know. I mean, it could be. May not be. But it could be that. And this isn't science fiction anymore.

You're living in it.

And Grok 3 or ChatGPT, or any of these things, that's in your hand right now. And it is important for you to understand it, and use it!

This is a system that can analyze data. It can write reports for you.

It can generate ideas.

It can predict the outcomes with a precision, that will rival the best human experts.

And I will show you how to use this. And just start equating it -- equating yourself. Whether -- I don't care what you do.

You're retired. You're a CEO.

You're a mom. Whatever it is, I'll show you how, you should start thinking about this.

And using it here in the next few minutes.

But here's the -- it's really important to start here, today. Is because I'm hearing some pushback from my good friends, my coworkers.

Anybody who has heard my warnings over the years. They're all like, wait a minute. You said this was bad.

Yes. Yes, it is.

But it's also tremendously good.

It's when we actually get to ASI, that everything could go very dark. Okay.

And I've spent decades cautioning you about the risk of this technology.

And how it will be your master, if we're not careful. Okay. So then why are you suggesting we would pick this up?

I know it sounds contradictory. But it's not. It is the sharpest tool you will ever hold.

It's sharper than any axe, or any computer before, anything you've ever experienced. And the difference is, this tool can think. It can adapt.

And if you don't learn to wield on it, now before it gets really weird, it's going to wield you. And then you will be powerless. You must understand, this is your tool. And somebody asked me. I had a meeting yesterday. And somebody on the staff said, you know, what are the ethics. And I said, I don't know what the ethics are. Nobody does.

Nobody knows. Nobody has ever done this.

We have to write the ethics. We have to ask ourselves these questions.

You know, and this is the first of the aseismic shifts, that I told you, for the last 30 years, would come.

30 years ago, you started warning.

There will be a time, where even the person at the top of their craft. Doctors, lawyers, engineers. Me!

Will find themselves out of a job. You just -- you just -- all of a sudden, it would just be over!

Okay. Then what do you do?

It's really important that you understand, the only ones that have a chance of really kind of surviving are the ones who have used it, knows exactly what it can do.

Know its dangers.

Worked out the ethics in their own mind.

And then have kept so nimble, they can adapt, to whatever comes!

If you calcify in your thinking, it's over!


I don't care how long you've done it. I don't care if you're the CEO. I don't care if you're in the radio broadcasting Hall of Fame. It means nothing.

Tomorrow, that will mean nothing. So what do we do?

The time of that first turn, where in 18 or 36 months, we're going to find ourselves going, I don't have my job anymore.

What happened?

The beginning of that first term is happening right now! You're at the beginning of a cycle, and it's the cycle will happen every three to five years.

And you will need to retrain. Retool. And redefine what you do, while holding on to your humanity, and your ethics.


I don't know when the next wave will hit.

But in 18 months, this is going to be so undeniably clear to everyone. Everyone around you.

And everyone around you, who hasn't paid attention. Hasn't done the work I'm going to ask you to do, beginning today?

They will be so lost. They will be so absolutely lost. Because it will be the rage.

People will be misusing it.

They will be destroying themselves.

I mean, it will be a mess. And everyone will be scrambling to catch up.

It will be too late at that point.

Because you're either going to be the tool. Not the master. Or you're going to be the master! You're either going to be dragged into this black hole, un-- unknowingly and just spaghettification, happens to you and your life and your family and your humanity, or you will lead and say, wait a minute.

Wait a minute. Wait a minute.

This is the point where I hit the ejector button. And I'm like, I'm out.

And I don't know where that is. But the choice is yours.

But you will have to begin to act today. What worries me most, is not the pace of change.

But it's what we might lose in the process. Transhumanism. Another term. What does that mean?

You ever watch Star Trek? The bourg?

That's transhumanism.

It's AI merging with humans.

And that is not Star Trek.

It's already here with Elon Musk.

He's already doing it with people that can't walk, okay?

And it will look great. And it is great! For some things. But there's going to come a line.

And the temptation to upgrade yourself, is going to be so unbelievably tempting, that most people will go, why wouldn't you do this?

I don't know. I have my reasons. But you're going to have to come up with yours.

I mean, I don't think we want to erase the very essence of what makes a human, human.

And that's our flaws. Our soul.

Our humanity. Ask Grok. When -- if I put an implant in me, and I begin to have the internet in my head, and I'm going to the internet and the internet is coming into my head. And it's telling me things. But they're just kind of like the thinking of my -- I can't recognize it. When do I stop becoming me.

When am I AI?

And not human.

Not Glenn Beck.

And at what point -- and it went through. I did this the other night.

I went through all kinds of arguments. Both for and against. And at the end, I said, I don't know.

Nobody knows. Nobody knows.

We'll know it when we get there.

These are the things you have to think.

Because the line is coming.

And it may be soon.

Do you live with your imperfections?

Do you cross over? I know my choice.

Your choice may be different. That's your right.

But today is not that day. Today is about mastering what is here. So you can educate yourself. So when that day comes, you will be ready.

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