Democrats in Martha's Vineyard panicked after just 50 illegal immigrants were sent to their town. And Democrats in Washington DC are insisting that only border towns are equipped to handle the amount of migrants DC is now seeing. But Glenn speaks to a caller from El Paso, Texas, who tells a different story: Border towns are much more overrun, and their crisis, fueled by the policies of big-city Democrats, has been going on for over a year...
TranscriptBelow is a rush transcript that may contain errors
GLENN: Let me go to Han in Texas. Hello, Han.
CALLER: Hey, Glenn.
GLENN: How are you, sir, in.
CALLER: Real good. I'm in El Paso, Texas. And seeing the news about Martha's Vineyard. And 50 -- that they can't handle migrants. The news just reported that we're now up to 1500 per day, every day, in El Paso. And that's non-stop.
GLENN: Jeez. How is this changing? How is this changing El Paso? What is it like to live there?
CALLER: Well, every -- all the migrant shelters. They're now calling on all the churches. To try to take in migrants. To provide food for migrants. People are buying shoes because they don't have shoes. And they're all downtown. And then the city, and the county are buying these buildings, to house the migrants. And they're talking 2 million, 8 million that's going to affect the taxpayers here. And El Paso already has the highest property taxes in Texas.
And this is just going to add to that. And then, you know, with the appraisals doubling. The taxpayers in El Paso, getting squeezed. And if this is really a federal issue, it shouldn't be on the taxpayers of El Paso.
GLENN: No. It shouldn't be.
And that's -- that's the thing that infuriates me so much. When places like New York City say, we're overwhelmed. You know, four busloads. We're overwhelmed.
This isn't a border town. What does that mean?
Do you think border towns just magically have money spewing from their noses?
STU: It's so weird.
GLENN: It's so strange.
STU: All of the complaints that we're hearing from Martha's Vineyard and New York City and Washington, DC, and Chicago, are all the complaints that we have here in border states. It's like, hey. You have to understand, we didn't even know they were coming. We didn't even know how many beds to have. We don't have the resources.
GLENN: Neither did we!
STU: Yeah. That's what we've been saying for the past half century. Right? They don't -- they don't register with the equivalent of open table and make reservations when they're coming across the border. They don't go to open the border app and say, hey, we're coming with five. I hope you guys are ready. That doesn't happen. They just come. And we don't have the resources, and we just try to figure it out. And then they get shipped halfway across. They wind up either -- most of them wind up staying in the border states. Some of them go all across the country, to red states and blue states. But the vast majority of them wind up staying in border states. And we do not have the resources to handle it. It is a burden. You guys up in the blue states have been denying this. On Martha's Vineyard, you've been saying they're a blessing.
GLENN: We can send you 10,000 blessings.
STU: Yeah. We thought we were helping.
GLENN: It wouldn't even make a dent.
STU: Our buses are just buses of blessings. And you guys can take them with your multi-million-dollar homeless budgets and deal with it. These border towns don't have that. They're just forced to get screwed all the time, by policies, by the way, that are being implemented from -- with people who are living on Martha's Vineyard, who have houses on Martha's Vineyard. Those are the ones who are incentivizing this behavior. And eliminating the government's ability to stop it.
GLENN: But they were very enriched by their 48-hour stay. The people of Martha's Vineyard, I mean, they used the word, we were enriched by them.
Really? You were enriched? Forty-eight-hour visit where you didn't do anything but call the National Guard and say, can you guys come and get these people? What an enriching experience that is. So sickening.
STU: Yeah. Usually they're enriched because they get below cost labor for their incredible guardance. Now they're getting it in another way.
GLENN: Yeah. So -- so, Han, what is happening, in El Paso? How are you guys standing?
CALLER: Well, it's tough. But I did want to research a candidate. Guadalupe Giner, the first independent candidate to run in Texas history for county judge.
And she's going to --
GLENN: What's her name?
CALLER: Guadalupe Giner, G-I-N-E-R. And if you could get her on some time, she's fantastic. She's conservative. But she's not bending towards any party. She's trying to set a new path. And that's the only hope we have. Because we keep getting bond issue after bond issue, being placed on the ballot. For voters. And they keep voting for more and more bond issues, for things that are not in the realm of El Paso, like our UMC. It's a hospital. And it's supposed to take care of indigent care. But they're wanting a bond, so that they can build robotics and state-of-the-art, that competes with the private sector.
STU: And they always get approved.
GLENN: Yeah. They do. That's really bad too. Really bad. You cannot gut the private sector. By taking that on, your taxes go up. And, quite honestly, usually, scientific advancement slows down because there's no competition for it.
STU: This is my ultimate pet peeve. This stupid issue. Because people do it all the time.
GLENN: All the time.
STU: Even in super red conservative areas, you throw a bond up for people to vote, and people do what we call a benefit analysis. Not a cost-benefit analysis. But a benefit analysis.
Hey, I would like this new thing. Therefore, I'll check this box, with no cost whatsoever. Of course, that means taxes go up. And it's much worse than that.
For example, a lot of cities do this, where they build these incredibly nice, rec centers with gymnasiums. And -- and -- beautiful facilities.
GLENN: I don't know if this is happening in your state. But in Texas, this happens a lot.
STU: A lot.
GLENN: While we're building 90 million dollar high school stadiums for football. 90 million-dollar high school stadiums.
STU: Right. They'll build a rec center that has facilities. Places to meet. Whatever. And they might be very nice. And what they will do is they will build this facility with your tax dollars. And then your taxes will go up. Then you're paying for this facility. Then they will charge you this membership fee. This membership fee will be below market. For this facility, you will pay much more for a membership fee.
So they'll cut it by 30 or 40 percent, so lots of people will join in. Now, of course, there's another gym in the private sector that's built across town, and is an existing business. That gets put out of business.
Because now they've been undercut in the market by 30 or 40 percent.
If they somehow remain open, they get to pay taxes to their competition.
GLENN: Now, here's a great thing. Here's a great thing.
If you think your gym membership is hard to cancel. You can never cancel your gym membership, with your taxes.
It never ends.
STU: Hmm.
GLENN: Never ends.
STU: It's the hotel California of gymnasiums.
GLENN: It really is.