Bird Flu Closes Parts of Middle Creek Wildlife Area

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Access to parts of the Middle Creek Wildlife Management Area in Lancaster County, Pennsylvania, has been restricted due to concerns about bird flu. The Pennsylvania Game Commission announced the closure of the Willow Point Parking Lot and Trail, the Archery Range, and all shoreline access to the lake starting Tuesday (February 4). This decision was made as a precaution with the anticipated arrival of snow geese, which could carry the highly pathogenic avian influenza (HPAI).

The closures are part of efforts to protect human and domestic animal health. While some areas remain accessible, including most hiking trails and the Visitor Center, visitors are urged to report any sick or dead wild birds to the Game Commission. Signs have been posted throughout the area to alert visitors about the avian influenza risk and to encourage viewing wildlife from vehicles.

The Wildlife Drive remains closed for the season, with a potential for an extended closure. The Game Commission emphasizes the importance of public involvement in wildlife health surveillance. For more information, visit the official Pennsylvania Game Commission website.

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