WATCH: ESPN Reporter Crushed By Falling Set Piece Live On Air

When appearing on TV, most reporters are just concerned about things like getting their facts straight and making sure they look okay, but it turns out they should also be thinking about if they are going to be crushed by a falling set piece because that's just what happened to one sports journalist.

Carlos Orduz was appearing on ESPN FC Radio when part of the wall behind him fell with such force that it slammed his head into the desk in front of him. After the incident, the camera cut to the host of the show and you can hear off-screen someone saying "stay calm" in Spanish. They then cut to commercial.

Remarkably, Orduz wasn't seriously injured in the accident and later uploaded a video saying, "I want to tell you that I'm fine. They've already check me, absolutely nothing happened apart from the scare." He went on to reveal he was further examined and did not suffer any kind of fracture or sprain, and walked away from the set with just some bumps and bruises.

Orduz added, "I must tell you that I am fine. Thank God."

Photo: Getty Images

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