How do I find my polling place?

Find your polling place.

When are the polls open on Election Day?

The polls are open from 7:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m. If you are in line when the polls close, you are entitled to vote.

Do I need any identification (ID) to vote?

If you have voted at yourpolling locationbefore, you do not need to bring ID to vote. Only voters who are voting for the first time in their election district need to show ID. Acceptable ID includes both photo and non-photo ID.

Acceptable IDs for first-time voters:

  • Driver’s license
  • U.S. passport
  • Military, student, or employee ID
  • Voter registration card
  • Firearm permit
  • Current utility bill, bank statement, paycheck or government check
  • Any ID issued by the commonwealth or federal government

Note: An ID without your photo must have your address on it.

What if I signed up to vote by mail ballot but now choose to vote at a polling place?

To vote at your polling place, you will need to bring both your mail-in or absentee ballot AND the outer return envelope to your polling place. Learn more aboutvoting at your polling place.

What if my name isn't in the poll book?

The local officials at your polling place should call the county board of elections to determine if you are registered. If you are, you should be able to vote. If the county cannot find your name, but you believe you are registered and omitted from the poll book, you mayvote a provisional ballot.

What is a provisional ballot?

A provisional ballot is a paper ballot that is provided to voters who believe they are registered voters but whose names do not appear in the sign-in book at the polling place. If you are a first-time voter who does not provide ID at the polls on Election Day, you will be offered a provisional ballot.

Learn more about voting with aprovisional ballot.

Can someone assist me at the polls?

You have the right to assistance if you cannot read or write; cannot read the names on the ballots; have difficulty understanding English; or are blind, disabled, or unable to operate the voting machine.

You may request help from a relative, friend, neighbor, or another voter. You do not need to be designated in the poll book district register as “assistance permitted” to receive this assistance. If you want assistance, you must sign an Assistance Declaration, unless the poll book already indicates “assistance permitted.”You have the right to refuse assistance.

Who can be inside the polling place?

Only the following individuals are allowed inside or within 10 feet of the entrance to the polling place while voting is in progress:

  • precinct election officials,
  • constables,
  • polling place clerks,
  • machine inspectors,
  • approved poll watchers,
  • no more than 10 persons in the process of voting,
  • approved persons assisting voters, and
  • police officers in the act of voting or who have been called to the polling place to preserve the peace.

Everyone else, including individuals handing out campaign literature, must remain at least 10 feet away from the entrance to the polling place.

What happens if I am intimidated at the polls?

In Pennsylvania, it is illegal for any person or corporation through intimidation or coercion to induce or compel a person to vote or refrain from voting for a particular candidate or on a particular political issue.

If you have experienced intimidation at the polls, you should call your District Attorney’s Office andnotify your County Board of Elections.

You can alsosubmit a complaint to the Department of State via an online web form or bycalling 1-877-VOTESPA (1-877-868-3772).

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