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Driver Charged In Deadly 13-Car Pileup

A 53-year-old box truck driver, Stephen Kravitz Jr., has been charged in connection with a deadly 13-vehicle pileup in York County, Pennsylvania. The crash, which occurred on April 16, 2024, on Route 30, resulted in the deaths of Barry Hirneisen, 77, and James Lawyer, 52, both from Spring Grove. According to ABC27, Kravitz faces charges including third-degree murder, homicide by vehicle, and homicide by vehicle DUI.

Authorities allege that Kravitz was under the influence of drugs at the time of the crash. He reportedly did not disclose his prescription for Alprazolam, a sedative, which could have affected his Commercial Driver's License. Kravitz admitted to taking the drug the day of the crash, which occurred when he allegedly failed to brake and collided with a vehicle at a red light, causing a chain reaction. Witnesses reported seeing Kravitz's head bobbing before the crash, and he did not attempt to slow down, according to Local21News.

The crash left several others injured, with some requiring physical therapy. Kravitz's truck was taken for examination, and police noted that he had previously caused a crash while under the influence in November 2023. Additional charges against Kravitz include aggravated assault by vehicle and recklessly endangering another person. A preliminary hearing has yet to be scheduled.

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