Residents of Lancaster County, Pennsylvania, are being advised that emergency sirens will be tested next week, but there is no cause for alarm. The Muddy Run Pumped Storage Facility, operated by Constellation Energy, will be conducting a test of its warning systems on Thursday, October 10. The test is scheduled to begin at 10 a.m. and will last approximately two minutes.
The sirens are part of a system installed in 2003, designed to alert residents living near Conowingo Pond in the event of an emergency at the Muddy Run facility. Before the test, a brief tone will sound, followed by the announcement, "This is a test." Constellation Energy has reassured residents that there is no real emergency.
Residents can expect to hear the emergency sirens every three months as part of regular testing. Notifications will be sent to local media outlets in an effort to minimize unnecessary panic. In the event of an actual emergency, a tone will sound, followed by the words, “This is an emergency, please move to higher ground.”