Photo: Mimi Ditchie Photography / Moment / Getty Images
The Pocono Mountains in Pennsylvania are beginning to show signs of the upcoming fall season, with 10% of trees starting to change colors, according to the Pocono Mountain Visitors Bureau. The bureau, which plans to provide regular updates on the leaf-changing progress throughout the fall, anticipates the peak for fall colors to arrive in about a month.
The Pocono Mountains, home to more than 127 varieties of trees, shrubs, and plants, is a popular destination for leaf peeping every year. The region spans 2,400 square miles of northeastern Pennsylvania, allowing visitors to experience three distinct color zones. The northernmost color zone encompasses northern Wayne and Pike Counties, the central color zone includes southern Wayne, Pike, and northern Monroe Counties, and the southern color zone covers southern Monroe County and Carbon County.
As of the week of September 12, 2024, the northern region is showing less than 10% full color with 95% of the leaves still on the trees. The peak color is projected to occur between October 6-12, 2024. The central region is also at less than 10% full color with 95% of the leaves on the trees, with peak color expected between October 21-24, 2024. The southern region is at less than 5% full color with 99% of the leaves on the trees, and the peak color is projected for October 25, 2024.
The bureau has also launched a new fall foliage forecast map, which is updated every Thursday through the end of October. The map covers the entire Pocono region from Wayne County down to Carbon and shares projected peak foliage dates as forecasted by state foresters.
Thousands of people visit the Poconos each year to see the foliage, and the Visitors Bureau is eager to help them plan their trips. Visitors can check the fall foliage forecast on the bureau's website or by calling 570-421-5565.