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>>Power Restored To Dauphin County Prison

The Dauphin County Prison in Harrisburg, Pennsylvania, has regained full power after a utility line was accidentally struck by contractors on Friday morning. The incident led to power and air conditioning issues at the facility, requiring the use of generators to maintain cool temperatures.

The generators failed around 4:30 p.m. on Sunday, but power was restored by 8:30 p.m. the same day. The damage to the utility line is still being assessed by crews.

The power outage and subsequent high temperatures inside the prison were believed to have been caused by an outside contractor working on an unrelated project. The generator, capable of providing full power to the county prison, arrived late Friday night and was operational by 2 a.m. Saturday. Air conditioning was restored to all blocks early Saturday morning, and power was restored to the prison's kitchen around 11:30 a.m. Saturday.

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