"America's Best-Looking Cruiser” Calendar Contest Announcement
It is officially time for our 11th annual “America’s Best-Looking Cruiser” Calendar Contest. The top 13 states with the most votes will make the 2025 wall calendar and, of course, the top cruiser will be featured on the cover.
Voting will begin Monday, July 15, 2024, at 10:00 a.m. (EST) and continue through July 29th, 2024, at 12:00 p.m. (EST).
On July 15th Look for the “survey monkey” link on our web site at www.statetroopers.org and our Facebook Page to view and vote for your favorite entry. This year there will be a second captcha question that must be answered in order to submit your entry.
Thank you to all who participate and promote this fun event and we look forward to seeing which State takes home the title of “America’s Best-Looking Cruiser”. Good luck to all our contestants and Happy Voting!