Be sure to tune in to Financial Freedom this Saturday, January 20, at 10:00 AM Eastern on WHP 580 AM Harrisburg, as Tim will be joined by a special guest.
Tim’s guest will be Tony Isola. As an American History teacher, Tony began helping his colleagues with their personal 403(b) plan retirement choices. While doing so, he was taken aback by all of the expensive, lousy, and high-commissioned products that most employees were forced to choose from. As a result, and because of his passion in wanting to eagerly help others, he started a business doing so.
Tune in to hear Tim discuss with Tony his firsthand experiences as he exposes many of the outlandish products pushed on individuals saving for retirement as well as those already in retirement. Tony has extensive experience and has become an expert on helping consumers understand the dangers of most annuities, and why these continue to be sold to consumers.
We hope you’ll be able to join us for this most informative and entertaining show. If by chance you aren’t able to listen live, you can always listen to the podcast when it becomes available. To listen to podcasts of Tim’s previous shows, click here: