We are going to school and performing in a high school play.
I was invited to stop by the Hershey Campus of Lancaster Mennonite School to meet with the teachers and students and see and hear for myself what makes this school so special for the students, faculty and staff.
Miles Yoder, Principal for the Hershey Campus will tell us all about the school and how you can visit during a "Drop In" and an Open House this month.
And I sat down with some students at the school to hear what they have to say about attending and learning at Lancaster Mennonite. And these students are putting together their spring play. CHARLIE & THE CHOCOLATE FACTORY. We'll hear from English teacher Curry Snell and a few of the performers. Tyler Mills, Sarah Neu, Alia Shenk and Jack Song join us for the show.
Learn more about the school at: LANCASTER MENNONITE
Hear our interview here: