Sepsis-the silent, unknown killer
If you were told that there is a silent killer in the U.S. that takes the lives of up to half the people who get it each year—more than 250,000 people—would you know what it is? If you were told that it can strike anyone of any age and kills more people than prostate cancer, breast cancer and AIDS combined, would that narrow it down?
According to medical experts, if you have no idea what the condition is, you’re like most Americans. Most people have never heard of sepsis, have no idea what it is, and don’t know what they can do about it.
Sepsis claims 258,000 lives in the U.S. each year, more than breast cancer, prostate cancer, and AIDS combined. Between 2008 and 2016, sepsis-related admissions increased 89 percent in Pennsylvania. Estimates project that sepsis-related admissions resulted in $1.69 billion in hospital payments during 2016.
Dr. Thomas Stoner, who has been championing the awareness effort on sepsis joins me to talk about sepsis. What it is, the symptoms, how to best treat it and how to prevent it.
Also how UPMC Pinnacle hospitals are some of the best in the state when it comes to treating and preventing sepsis.
Learn more at: UPMC Pinnacle-Sepsis
Hear our interview here: