November is National Diabetes Awareness Month. November 14th was World Diabetes Day. 1 in 3 American adults has prediabetes. You may have diabetes and not know it.
Dr. Soni Srivastac, Endocrinoligist with UPMC Pinnacle joins us to talk about diabetes. What is it. The types of diabetes. What is pre-diabetes, how is it diagnosed. who should get tested and how to prevent and treat diabetes.
The key is getting your annual exam and blood work. Eating well and getting some physical activity. We will also learn about some new treatments available.
Most importantly being aware and educating yourself. UPMC Pinnacle offers education seminars and even one on one counseling in dealing with diabetes.
Learn more at: UPMC Pinnacle-Diabetes
And take advantage of education seminars and counseling. Visit UPMC Pinnacle Diabetes Education
Hear our interview here: