If you have nagging knee pain and are considering knee surgery or knee replacement, you will pick up some great information here. Physical Therapists from CPRS Physical Therapy and a knee surgeon Dr. Scott King will join me to talk about the knee.....what goes wrong or wears out.....why knee replacement is a great option....and how to prepare before surgery and how to recover after surgery.
Frank Kirk & Nathan Fry from CPRS will talk about the important role physical therapy plays before and after knee surgery. And Dr. King will fill us in on what he does during knee replacement surgery and why it is so much better than suffering in pain and missing out on living the life you love.
Learn more about CPRS Physical Therapy & find a location near you at: CPRS PHYSICAL THERAPY
And learn more about Dr. King and his practice at OSS Health at: OSS HEALTH
Hear our interview here: