Taking Care of Business 6-3 Testing For Prostate Cancer

Prostate cancer.  It's not an "old man's disease."  it is the second leading cause of male cancer deaths.  1 in 8 men will get prostate cancer.  During the early stages there are no symptoms. when it is detected early, nearly all men survive.  But once it has advanced it's probably not curable.

The testing for prostate cancer, the PSA (Prostate Specific Antigen) blood test a few years ago was rated a "D."   And this task force said it "did more harm than good."  But now after new and better research they have updated the guidelines and the new recommendation advocates that men should be considered for PSA screening.

Dr. Scott Owens from Urology of Central Pennsylvania will explain and also talk about the importance of men getting an annual exam.  Also joining us is Tom Flynn, a prostate cancer survivor.  He will share his story how this was the last thing he thought would happen to him and how lucky he was his doctor caught the problem and he was treated.....his life was saved and now can enjoy the joys of life and his wonderful family.

For more information and getting the PSA test visit Urology of Central PA 

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