Taking Care of Business 5-13 PinnacleHealth-Radon & Lung Cancer

We all know that smoking is the leading cause of lung cancer.  But did you know that exposure to radon in our homes or other buildings is the 2nd leading cause of lung cancer?

Dr. John Lazar, thoracic surgeon with PinnacleHealth and his colleagues are trying to get the word out to help educate us, especially us in Central PA about the high levels of naturally occurring radon.  How does it damage the lungs, how do you know if you have a radon problem and how to lower it.  And how really dangerous it is if you are a smoker.

We'll also learn about how you can get lung cancer screening without a doctor referral.  Learn more at www.pinnaclehealth.org/lungscreening or call 717-988-LUNG.

PinnacleHealth is also holding a seminar about protecting your lungs.  It will be Wednesday May 24th at the Carlisle Country Club..  Everyone attending will get a complimentary kit to test the radon level at home.

To register go to www.pinnaclehealth.org/events  

Hear our interview here:    

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