“May the luck of the Irish lead to happiest heights…and the highway you travel be lined with green lights.”
I fell in love with Ireland the first time we visited in 1997. I wanted to move there and live in a wind-swept cottage (or a fabulous Manor House) overlooking the seaside port of Kinsale and live happily ever after. Of course that didn’t happen, but every time I returned to Ireland I felt like I did that very first time. And even now during the pandemic, Ireland continues to be a top destination for Americans – once we get back to traveling overseas again.
CIE Tours , an award-winning tour company, has been focused on Irish tours and vacations for over 90-years and this Saturday morning, February 20th from 11am til noon, Anthony Agostinelli – CIE Tours Sales Manager – will be my “Let’s Talk Travel with AAA” expert guest. (And yes, his name may be sound Italian…but he’s all Irish!)
Show highlights will include the various Ireland tour styles and different itineraries offered by CIE ; favorite Irish foods (mussels & lamb & black bread) and drinks (Guinness, for your health!) ; new health and safety protocols ; listener questions and much more.
***Next Saturday, February 27th, “Let’s Talk Travel with AAA” will feature Air Travel updates with Scott Miller, Director of Harrisburg International Airport and Hilarie Grey, Director of Communications for Allegiant Air.***
Hear our Ireland podcast here: