Air travel has never been safer. More people travel by air today than anytime in aviation history. Flying is less dangerous than walking or even getting out of bed in the morning – so why are so many millions of us afraid to fly?
I receive many inquiries from my listeners and readers wanting information on how they can overcome their fear of flying – and Saturday, Sept. 28 and Saturday, Oct. 5, from 11am – 12:00pm on “Let’s Talk Travel with AAA” on WHP580 - my guest, Captain Ron Nielsen is going to give us his expert advice during this special two-part fear of flying series , plus answering listener questions.
Captain Ron Nielsen is the international best-selling author of “The Fearless Flight Kit” and the just released “How to Overcome Your Fear of Flying”. Nielsen has a flying career spanning 45-years, including flying as a commercial and Air Force pilot. In addition, Nielsen is an expert in the area of psychology and fear of flying and has helped thousands of flyers overcome their fear of air travel. He has a deep understanding of flying anxiety – and offers a practical guide helping those with a fear of flying. Nielsen will teach us to successfully manage – take off ; turbulence ; claustrophobia ; flying over water ; anticipatory anxiety – and so much more.
Do you or someone you know (or love) have a fear of flying?
Studies show that 25-million people suffer from mild-anxiety to full on panic attacks from a condition known as aeroanxiety – the fear of flying.
People who avoid traveling in planes miss out on job opportunities, family gatherings, well-deserved vacations and life in general. The more the fear is pushed away, the bigger it gets.
If you want to learn more about flight safety or want to take the first steps towards freedom from the fear of flying – this show series is for you.
Access the survey Sandy & Ron talk about during the show: Fear of Flying Research Study
Hear Part 1 & 2 and watch our Facebook Live video below: