A Celebrity Cruise is designed for upscale clientele wanting a modern and sophisticated vacation experience at sea.
Everything about a Celebrity ship is inspired by extensive research - giving guests a stress-free, friendly atmosphere with award-winning cuisine & dining venues ; a variety of accommodations, including the luxurious & pampering suites ; Canyon Ranch spa treatments and gracious ship wide service and attention to all guests – at an excellent value.
I’ve been a fan of Celebrity since it began many years ago with “Horizon” and “Zenith” sailing to Bermuda and the Caribbean – and today with 12 ships in the fleet and the much anticipated launch of Celebrity “Edge” – Celebrity Cruises is poised to shake up the industry with this revolutionary new ship.
Celebrity Cruises visits all seven continents and Celebrity “Summit” homeports in New Jersey, sailing roundtrip to Canada, New England and Bermuda.
My “Let’s Talk Travel with AAA” in-studio guest, Saturday, September 1st, 11am-12pm on WHP580 is Cath Anderson, Celebrity Cruises Sales Manager.
Show highlights will include – my recent “Summit” Bermuda sailing ; an overview of the fleet-wide Celebrity Revolution upgrades & refurbishments ; the “Edge” ; Suite Life with Butler Service ; Canyon Ranch Spa ; the outstanding dining experiences and listener questions.
AAA Central Penn has a special group cruise aboard the newly renovated (Feb. 2018) Celebrity “Summit” roundtrip Bayonne, NJ to beautiful Bermuda in May 2019 – contact your local AAA now for all details.
Hear our podcast here: