>>Kids Can Enter State Contest for Artwork to Go to Space
Click Here for rules and to submit a poster!
(Williamsport, PA) -- Pennsylvania's Department of Education is one of the sponsors for the Moonshot Poster Contest. It's a chance for students in grades three to 12 to send their artwork to the moon. A panel of STEM-discipline judges from across the state will rate submissions ahead of Astrobotic's launch in late 2022. The Pittsburgh Aerospace company is developing space robotics technology for moon and planet missions. The deadline for submitting posters is at the end of November.
Moonshot Museum, Penn State’s Readiness Institute, Astrobotic, and the Pennsylvania Department of Education invite Pennsylvania students in grades 3-12 to participate in a statewide poster contest celebrating America’s return to the Moon this year, an achievement powered by Pennsylvanians.
How to Participate
- Students may produce their poster submissions independently at home, during classroom time, or during out of school learning programs at community centers, libraries, or summer camps.
- Students may use either computer programs or traditional art supplies to create their poster.
- Teachers, parents, or guardians will email student poster submission and the completed terms and conditions form for consideration to postercontest@moonshotmuseum.org (detailed below) before submissions close on November 30, 2022.