Study: Owning Pets Can Boost Brain Power

>>Study: Owning Pets Can Boost Brain Power

(Ann Arbor, MI) -- Owning a pet can boost your brain power. That's according to research found in a national Health and Retirement Study. The study consisted of over 13-hundred participants, all ages 50 and older. Preliminary research found pet ownership was especially helpful when it came to verbal memory, such as memorizing word lists. An author in the study told CNN it's not just cats and dogs that can boost your brain, but rabbits, hamsters, reptiles, and even fish. A University of Michigan professor weighed in, saying that owning household pets for five years or longer produced the highest benefits and delayed cognitive decline by just over one point compared to those without pets. Experts say other benefits from owning a pet include social companionship and a sense of duty and purpose.

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