Mechanicsburg, Lower Allen Still Doing New Year's Eve drops

>>Mechanicsburg, Lower Allen Still Doing New Year's Eve drops

(Harrisburg, PA) -- Many annual New Year's Eve events in the area have been canceled because of the latest COVID-19 surge, but some communities are saying they'll go ahead and host their usual festivities. In Mechanicsburg, the annual Wrench Drop will still take place at the Washington Fire Company on East Main Street. The event begin at 9 p.m. with a 10-and-a-half foot lighted wrench to be dropped at midnight. Lower Allen Township will host the Lowering of the Yellow Breeches instead of a party this year at The Barn in Lower Allen Township Park.  Also back this year is the annual raising of the Hershey's Kiss as well as live music in Derry Township.

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