You might have wondered if HCP’s Butterfly Release events will be impacted by COVID-19. Well, we have some good news, we will have three Butterfly Release events this year, just as we have in the past - we’ll just be doing this a little differently.
So that we can remember our loved ones while respecting our own health, we are making changes to all three events. HCP will be offering drive-through butterfly pick-up stations between 1:00 and 2:00 the day of your local event. HCP will then host a Facebook Live program at 2:00 in which you and your family are invited to participate. Your local pick-up station, and Facebook Live program, will be offered on the same date, and in the same town, as originally scheduled!
Individuals or families who drive through the pick-up station will receive their live butterflies, to be released at home. Butterflies should be released within 30 minutes of pick-up, so please plan accordingly! A butterfly release kit, which includes a program book and a few butterfly-themed treats will also be distributed.
A Butterfly Care Card, with simple instructions on butterfly handling, will be given to each car as well. The back of the card tells you how to participate in HCP’s Facebook Live program, or suggests how you might conduct a private release and celebration of life.
The dates and locations for the butterfly pick-up stations are below. Each location is available for pick-up from 1:00 to 2:00 p.m. on the date below.
• July 12 Harrisburg (Tree of Life Church 1492 Linglestown Road)
• July 19 Carlisle (Carlisle Baptist Church 701 Walnut Bottom Road)
• July 26 Pottsville (Schuylkill County Council for the Arts 1440 Mahantongo Street)
Please join us on Facebook Live on one, or more, of the dates above at 2:00 p.m. for a Butterfly Release featuring a message from HCP bereavement care coordinators and a celebration of life with HCP chaplains. Simply open Facebook and type in “Hospice of Central PA” in your search bar to join us.
UPDATE: Thank you for your generous support of this event which helps to fund HCP’s Benevolent Care Fund! HCP’s 2020 Butterfly Release mailing has received more than 770 gifts, exceeding $40,000 and more gifts continue to arrive every day. We’re so grateful that COVID-19 has not stopped our friends like you from supporting quality end-of-life care regardless of a person or family’s ability to pay.
If you would like to make a gift of $25 and receive a butterfly to release, please do so today on our website:
Honor and memorial names provided when making a gift before Friday, June 19 will be included in the Butterfly Release program book. If you have any questions about HCP Butterfly Release events, participating in the Facebook Live event, or your gift, please reach out to Kim Hutnik via email or phone 717-943-1056.