Massive dirt pile towering over Steelton neighborhood; PennDOT responds

DAUPHIN COUNTY, Pa. (WHP) — Residents on Roller Drive are facing a mountainous problem in their quiet neighborhood following a waste area being set up too close to home.

Numerous posts and comments on Facebook from people in Steelton show issues residents have been facing since the pile formed:

It's horrible! Friday all we saw were like landslide rocks, dirt and dust. No use washing our vehicles or even sit outside because the dust is unbearable,

said one comment.

We can’t sit outside on our porches, the houses and side walks are filled with dirt,

said another.

Local woman Dionne Sylvester said the dust from the dirt pile even gets inside her house, and it's a chore to maintain.

“It's pretty bad. We let the water sit one day and we got up in the morning and there was black stuff all on the top and he was like 'what's this from?' 'That's from the dust!'," said Sylvester. “If your car is parked here every day its ridiculous and we sweep at least twice a day— I know we definitely mop twice a day and the mop looks like we have never mopped before, the water is black.”

Earlier this evening— neighbors told us the sounds from the construction vehicles wake them up as early as 5am.

Something they deal with for twelve hours every day.

Dionne tells us she struggles with asthma— and the dust is making it worse.

“On a hot day yes, it makes it difficult. I have to keep my inhaler nearby on a hot day.”

CBS 21 reached out to PennDOT in regards to the issue, who confirmed that the pile stems from the I-83 expansion. They said this afternoon that they don't know what timeline is for the dirt mountain.

PennDOT stated that the pile is a waste area on private property, created by the I-83 contractor.

A concern was raised to PennDOT who have since contacted their construction manager about the problem.

According to PennDOT, their construction manager on Monday morning will be requesting the contractor to send a sweeper truck to the area to periodically help.

This is a developing story. Stay with CBS 21 News for more details as they come in.

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