More Protection Against Utility Turn-Offs On The Way

More Protection Against Utility Turn-Offs On The Way

(Harrisburg, PA) -- Some Pennsylvania lawmakers are pushing for new consumer protections regarding utility cut-offs. Lawmakers have until the end of 2024 to reauthorize a key area of state law that protects low-income utility customers from sudden shut-offs when they're behind on their bills. Consumer advocates say the law favors utility companies over households and they're pitching changes that include a moratorium on shut-offs during the summer. A proposal from Representative Rob Matzie, a Democrat from Beaver County, addresses some of those concerns. His version would create a moratorium on shut-offs during July and August, expand existing protections to water customers and require utilities to pre-screen customers for payment assistance programs. It would also give the state Public Utility Commission more flexibility to create longer-term payment plans for customers who are behind on their bills.

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